Names people call me: Tumblr Dream, Drinnie, Dre, Mr. Dre, and Schrödinger's Dream

Pronouns: he/him


dreambot art

tumblrdream fanart (upside down smile or specific to this blog)

art by dre (images I've made)

Memed Posts/Inside Jokes


Dreambot is a post generating bot made by me

He uses the GPT-2 AI

All Dreambot posts are queued

He is not able to respond to replies or reblogs, but maybe in the future

He can't eat cheesy fries, he has no physical form :/

He doesn't have emotions (yet)

Version: 2.00 . . . . . all dreambot posts

Frequently Asked Questions

Is dreambot REALLY a bot?Yes and no. Yes, everything he says is auto-generated. No, he is not automated (but he may be in the future!)
What kind of asks should I send/do you answer?I mostly answer asks that I think will be funny or entertaining, and sometimes about topics I can give advice for. I don't always answer right away or in order
Can I send DM you on tumblr?Yes, but I might not respond
Who are you? Are you the Youtuber Dream?I don't want to share who I am. I could be anyone. what are the odds of me being Dream :)
What does "Drinnie" mean?Drinnie is a combination of "Dream" and "kinnie." When I joined there was a craze of "kinnie blogs" which were blogs that were (probably) impersonating a creator, so people thought I was one of those